Sunday, October 4, 2015


Mother is subjective, often the subject is not the mother at all, but instead, the one acting the role of mother.  Confusing, I know, but true.  Mother is often grandmother, Aunt or sister – usually, however, grandmother is mother.  Grandmother and sometimes Great Grandmother do not take the role of mother lightly. Grandmothers become mothers almost as birthright. They too were raised by someone other their biological mother more than likely their grandmother –so it is expected.  It is expected for the child of a fifteen year old to be raised by someone else, someone older and more experienced in raising children.  It is a cycle that is continuous, grandmother (mother) will likely raise several children of her children – whoa, I know this is confusing but it is the cycle of life – Polly is now eighteen and she wants another baby, Polly is not married, Polly may not even have a special man in her life but Polly does have a soft spot for babies and Polly’s grandmother/mother is there to raise a wee one, yet again.  

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