Monday, February 6, 2012

The not so Gentlemanly Lawyer

Initially, Virginie was worried, Mr. Menache, a short, rotund white haired man in his seventies did not look particularly menacing.

Mr. Menache told her that she resided in an equal distribution state,  I know, Virginie chimed in.  He went on to tell her stories about the division of property in a few of his divorce cases. The one Virginie found the most interesting was the Hummel story. Apparently some lucky soul got away with the Hummel figurines that were worth more than the all other assets put together....Hummels she thought - go figurine.
The turning point was when Virginie discovered, with absolute certainty, that Menache was not a gentleman. He told her about his recent acquisition of reading glasses. Menache was glad to have them for two reasons: one - he could clearly see the rules of the court which, he went on to explain, is of vital importance, because they vary from county to county, and two - tits. Virginie's reply "well, yes, you would want to be inconspicuous about that." Gentleman - no - she guessed he would be perfect for the job.

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